Re-Roofing Redefined
Convenience, value, and performance are three critical considerations when it comes to the success of any re-roofing project. Carlisle SynTec Systems has designed specific re-roofing systems to address all these concerns. Learn about the ideal re-roofing products and systems by looking for the Re-roofing Redefined logo on Carlisle’s website and literature.

Re-Roofing Redefined Product & System Videos
Carlisle SynTec has put together a series of videos highlighting the features and benefits of our products and systems that are ideal for re-roofing projects.
Roof Condition Report
Carlisle offers roof condition reports* performed by a trusted local Carlisle Manufacturer’s Representative or Authorized Applicator and include a thorough examination of: the building exterior, interior ceiling and roof deck, roof perimeter and field of the roof; all details, penetrations, and flashings; overall roof condition; identification of necessary repairs; re-roofing options available; and recommended next steps. Fill out the below form to learn more.*Carlisle can refer a Design Professional when necessary.
Request a Roof Condition Report
Carlisle offers Roof Condition Reports performed by a trusted local Carlisle Manufacturer’s Representative or Authorized Applicator and can refer a Design Professional when necessary.