2021 ICC Building Code Updates Part 2 – Roofing
This SpecTopic is the second in our multi-part series about upcoming changes to the 2021 International Code Council's (ICC) International Building Code (IBC) and International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). The final proposals of 2019 were heard in Las Vegas, Nevada, in October, and the ICC has released their online consensus vote results. While not an exhaustive list, several changes focusing on the roof area of the building envelope are highlighted in this post.
IBC Section 1511.3 Roof Replacement modifies the definition from "roof coverings" to "roof assembly materials". This clarifies the existing materials to be removed down to the deck.
IBC Section 1511.5 Reinstallation of Materials adds existing ballast which is not damaged, cracked, or broken to the list of rooftop items which may be reinstalled.
IBC Section 1504.4 Ballasted Low-Slope Roof Systems adds a reference to ANSI/SPRI RP-4 (Wind Design Standard for Ballasted Single-Ply Roofing Systems) as a design requirement for ballasted roofs.
IBC Section 1504.5.1 Gutter Securement for Low-Slope Roofs adds description for gutter securement and also adds reference to ANSI/SPRI GT-1 (Test Standard for Gutter Systems) as a design requirement for gutter design and securement.
IBC Section 1507.12.2 Single-Ply Roofing Material Standards adds a table with references for ASTM Standards of all common single-ply roofing types.
IBC Section 1509.2 Roof Coating Material Standards adds a table with references for ASTM Standards of all common roof coating types.
IBC Chapter 16 Structural Design various sections were revised to include more alignment with ASCE 7 for Wind Loads, including Section 1602, 1605, and 1609.
IBC Section 1608.2 Snow Loads replaced Snow Load Table for use in Snow Load calculations to better align with ASCE 7.
IBC Section 1611.1 Rain Loads replaced Rain Load Tables for use in Rain Load calculations, to better align with ASCE 7.
For more information on the code development process, visit the ICC website here. Contact Craig Tyler at Craig.Tyler@CarlisleCCM.com with further questions.
Stay tuned for Part 3 - Air and Vapor Barriers, later this month.
IBC Section 1511.3 Roof Replacement modifies the definition from "roof coverings" to "roof assembly materials". This clarifies the existing materials to be removed down to the deck.
IBC Section 1511.5 Reinstallation of Materials adds existing ballast which is not damaged, cracked, or broken to the list of rooftop items which may be reinstalled.
IBC Section 1504.4 Ballasted Low-Slope Roof Systems adds a reference to ANSI/SPRI RP-4 (Wind Design Standard for Ballasted Single-Ply Roofing Systems) as a design requirement for ballasted roofs.
IBC Section 1504.5.1 Gutter Securement for Low-Slope Roofs adds description for gutter securement and also adds reference to ANSI/SPRI GT-1 (Test Standard for Gutter Systems) as a design requirement for gutter design and securement.
IBC Section 1507.12.2 Single-Ply Roofing Material Standards adds a table with references for ASTM Standards of all common single-ply roofing types.
IBC Section 1509.2 Roof Coating Material Standards adds a table with references for ASTM Standards of all common roof coating types.
IBC Chapter 16 Structural Design various sections were revised to include more alignment with ASCE 7 for Wind Loads, including Section 1602, 1605, and 1609.
IBC Section 1608.2 Snow Loads replaced Snow Load Table for use in Snow Load calculations to better align with ASCE 7.
IBC Section 1611.1 Rain Loads replaced Rain Load Tables for use in Rain Load calculations, to better align with ASCE 7.
For more information on the code development process, visit the ICC website here. Contact Craig Tyler at Craig.Tyler@CarlisleCCM.com with further questions.
Stay tuned for Part 3 - Air and Vapor Barriers, later this month.
Up Next
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2021 ICC Building Code Updates Part 1 – Insulation
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